The Sovereign Potter

The Sovereign Potter — Pastor Lonnie D. Bell, Jr.
Romans 9:19-23
Sermon Series: Romans (60th sermon)
June 20, 2021

Deep Sheet: Sermon Study Questions
   How has your understanding of election grown from Romans 8 and 9?
2.   What objection is Paul responding to in this section? What similar objections have you heard from people today?
3.   Do you find Paul’s response surprising? How does it humble us?
4.   What are some clues in the passage and its context that the lump of clay should be understood as fallen humanity?
5.   How do the “vessels of wrath” described in v. 22 serve to make known God’s glory for the “vessels of mercy”?
6.   What does this passage tell us about God’s ultimate purpose? What impact does that have on the Christian life?

References: Genesis 2:7; Isaiah 29:16; 45:9; 64:8; Proverbs 16:4; Ephesians 2:3; 1:5-6.