Preparing for Our Descent

Matthew 7:28-29

(NOTE:  Allow 30-90 seconds after clicking the START-arrow or Download-button for recording to begin.)

Preparing for Our Descent -- Lonnie Bell
Sermon Series:  The Sermon on the Mount
Matthew 7:28-29
26 November 2017

Deep Sheet:  Sermon Study Questions
1.  How has the conclusion of the Sermon on the Mount been anticipated for several weeks?
2.  Discuss the outline given for the Sermon on the Mount. Which sections have been the most formative for you?
3.  What would it look like to make the Sermon on the Mount foundational for your Christian life and for our Gospel Community Group?
4.  In what ways have you been “astonished” by Jesus’ teaching? Why is astonishment not enough?
5.  Where do you see Jesus’ authority displayed in the Sermon on the Mount?
6.  How has the Sermon on the Mount increased your appreciation of Jesus and desire to follow him?

The Christ, the Law, and the Christian Life - Part 2

Matthew 5:19-20

(NOTE:  Allow 30-60 seconds after clicking the START-arrow for recording to begin.)

The Christ, the Law, and the Christian Life - Part 2 -- Lonnie Bell
Sermon series: The Sermon on the Mount
Matthew 5:19-20
2 April 2017

DEEP SHEET:  Sermon Study Questions
1)  Read Romans 3:20 and discuss how the Law renders a guilty verdict.
2)  How does Jesus fulfill God's Law "in his disciples"?  What do Romans 7:22 and 8:4 tell us?
3)  Why don't Christians keep the ceremonial laws associated with the sacrificial system?
4)  What are some unhealthy pitfalls when it comes to relating the Law to the Christian life?
5 )  Who were the Scribes and Pharisees?  In light of Matthew 23:1-36, what was the problem    
      with their understanding of "righteousness"?