
Matthew 7:1-6

(NOTE:  Allow 30-90 seconds after clicking the START-arrow or Download-button for recording to begin.)

Judging -- Lonnie Bell
Sermon Series:  The Sermon on the Mount
Matthew 7:1-6
01 October 2017

Deep Sheet:  Sermon Study Questions

1.  How has Jesus’ teaching against judging been hijacked and misused in our culture?
2.  What are some instances in which God has convicted you of judging or criticizing other Christians? How has this attitude and behavior negatively affected your relationships?
3.  How does Jesus relate our judgment of others to God’s future judgment of us? How much thought have you given to the fact that “we will all stand before the judgment seat of God” (Romans 14:10)? (John 5:24; 2 Corinthians 5:9-10; Romans 14:10, 12; 1 Corinthians 3:15)
4.  What does this activity of judging that Jesus is rebuking and forbidding look like in practice? (Romans 14; 2:1-5)
5.  How can we begin letting judgmental thoughts turn us inward, and how will this make us more useful in holding others accountable? (Galatians 6:1; Matthew 18:15)
6.  Why does dealing with our own sin enable us “to see clearly” (v. 5)?
7.  What kind of judgment/ discernment is Jesus telling us to have as we relate to unbelievers? (Proverbs 9:8; Matthew 7:15-16)

Before Whose Eyes

Matthew 6:2-6, 16-18

(NOTE:  Allow 30-90 seconds after clicking the START-arrow or Download button for recording to begin.)

Before Whose Eyes -- Lonnie Bell
Sermon Series:  The Sermon on the Mount
Matthew 6:2-6, 16-18
11 June 2017

Deep Sheet:  Sermon Study Questions
1.   In the words of Martyn Lloyd-Jones, why is this passage so “painful” or “uncomfortable”? How does it drive us to Christ?
2.  What are some of the reasons for fasting in the Old Testament? How should Christians think about this practice?
3.  Discuss the examples of showiness and secrecy given by Jesus. How can we be more “secretive” in our religious practice?
4.  Why does the concern for the approval of others when doing good deeds essentially constitute a lie? What is the alternative?
5.  Why does the discussion of rewards ultimately boil down to faith? How is practicing our righteousness before others to be seen by them an act of unbelief?

Righteous Religion

Matthew 6:1

(NOTE: Allow 30-60 seconds after clicking the START-arrow for recording to begin.)

Righteous Religion -- Lonnie Bell
Sermon Series: The Sermon on the Mount
Matthew 6:1
4 June 2017

Deep Sheet: Sermon Study Questions
1.   What do people typically mean when they accept “spirituality” but reject “religion”? What can be problematic about this distinction?
2.   Consider the fact that Jesus presupposes certain practices of righteousness. What role do “disciplines” play in your understanding of the Christian life?
3.   Discuss practices that we can put in place for helping others, relating to God, and mortifying our flesh.
4.   Why does Jesus use the language of caution in this verse? In what ways can practicing our righteousness be dangerous?
5.   How is the behavior described in 5:16 different from what we find in 6:1 as it pertains to doing our deeds before others?|
6.   What is the reward replacement that happens when our practices are “before other people in order to be seen by them”?